Comply with the provisions of the law related to the organization and operation of the club. Organize and operate according to the approved Club Charter. Do not take advantage of the club’s activities to harm national security, social order, morality, fine customs and traditions of the nation, and legitimate rights and interests of individuals and organizations.
H – D HANOI MC Gather and unite members; organize and coordinate activities among members for the common benefit of the club; strictly implement the principles and purposes of the club in order to participate in the development of fields related to the activities of the club; contribute to the construction and development of the country.
PurposeThe purpose of H - D HANOI MC is to gather lovers of Harley - Davidson Motorcycles into a voluntary social organization, creating a healthy collective playground to develop the sport of large distribution. , obey traffic laws and regulations, drive safely.
UnityTo unite with various organizations for the purpose of supporting charitable functions, and the improved communities such deserve.
LeadershipTo lead our youth towards a positive direction such that life may be successful without drugs and violence such recognition.
EducationTo make available, information on safe courses and to provide assistance to novice riders, through mentoring of good sportsmanship and motorcycle.
EncouragementTo show everyone, that they have limitless potential and can accomplish any goal or dream of good sportsmanship and motorcycle responsibility.
RecreationTo enhance the sheer enjoyment of motorcycling while maintaining the integrity of good sportsmanship and motorcycle responsibility.
our rules
Legal status
Legal status

H-D HA NOI MC has legal status, is allowed to use its own seal and open an account to operate in accordance with the law of Vietnam and the Charter of the Vietnam Bicycle and Motorcycle Federation, the club’s charter approved Register with the competent authority.

- Propagating the Club’s purpose
- Implement the resolutions of the Motor Sports Congress according to the mobilization of the Sports Federation
- Representing members in internal and external relationships related to the club’s functions and duties
- Protect the legitimate rights and interests of club members in accordance with the club’s principles and purposes in accordance with the law.
- Representing members to participate in relevant meetings, conferences and seminars organized by State agencies, domestic and international non-governmental organizations.
- Participate in opinions and legal documents related to the club’s activities in accordance with the law

- To be protected by the club’s legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
- To be provided by the club with information related to the club’s activities, to participate in the club’s official activities, events and trips
- To propose creative ideas to serve the activities and organization of the club
- Participate in discussions and decisions on the club’s working policies
- To attend the congress, to stand for election, to elect agencies and positions of leaders of the club according to the regulations of the club.
- Allowed to introduce new members.
- Awarded according to the club’s regulations
whatu2019s next